NAWBO New Mexico
Women's Mastermind

NAWBO New Mexico Events

What is NAWBO New Mexico Mastermind?

The NAWBO New Mexico Women's Mastermind Is Where Smart, Intentional Women Get Together to Support Each Other.

The women in your non-compete business group are interested in seeing you grow as a person, leader, and business owner. In return, you are a sounding board for the women in your mastermind group.

 Are you an expert at business taxes but need help with marketing?
 Do you need help with business development?
 Do you know how to lead teams to familiarize yourself with recruiting the right talent?

No one enters business ownership with expertise in all aspects of the endeavor. However, as members of NAWBO New Mexico, we can draw on the knowledge and experience of our fellow members.

The NAWBO New Mexico membership includes this program, and it is available for a fee for non-members. Membership Details

Non-Member Price -$275 one-time time fee
Member price - included in your membership 

Membership Details

Let's build on our existing culture through partnerships within our local chapter.

Join us- Complete Questionnaire to Apply 

Apply Now

Gain Value and Relationships Over Time

 Support like-minded entrepreneurs in their business journey
 Formulate new ideas for business growth
 Devise ideas for skill development
 Create a business accountability platform

 Confidential
 Commit to attending - participating – contributing
 Provide constructive, not critical feedback
 Participate in a problem | solution, supportive culture
 Encouraging community of practice
 Learn from and seek advice from non-competing businesses (where possible)

Commit to attending at least one meeting per month for one hour. Additional meetings, videos, and phone calls are encouraged as needed.

Taking applications until March 31, 2023. The mastermind groups will be created in April 2023. 

sign up for more information or apply

How do I Join?

Complete the short questionnaire to get started.

Apply Now


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Mastermind and Mentor Program

Building our Powerful Network!

No one gets into business because they are experts in all aspects of owning a business. However, as a chapter, we have the ability to draw on the expertise of our fellow members. We would like to build on that existing culture and facilitate partnerships within NAWBO New Mexico

Apply Now!
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